This weekend we were sick of normal life and decided that it was a good idea to just do something different. We decided that it would be a fun idea to camp out in the back yard. So we took out the tent that Grandma Faye gave us 2 years ago for Christmas and open it for the first time. It was fun we roasted hot dogs over the fire then had smores and then went to bed and everyone slept outside in the tent. Sunday morning we got up made toast and sasauge over the fire. It was a lot of fun!
Abby ate avacado for the first time. Jon said she had to like it since she is a Cinco de Mayo baby. It took her a while to warm up to it.
We also went on a wagon ride and played in the floor with all kinds of new baby toys that use to be Alex's. It was just a great weekend all in all!
This blog was started to take up more of my time so I would avoid doing the things I needed to be doing like those pointless things like the laundry, dishes, or cleaning the box of fruit loops off the floor.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Abby's Doctor's Appt and Update from the weekend
Dr's Appt
This is the quick version. Very long day! They think that she has a Milk Protein Allergy and want me to stop bfing because it takes 3 weeks to get the milk and soy proteins out of my body and can take 2 weeks for Abby to get them out of her. She got put on a beefed up formula that we have to add veggie oil to to pack on the cals.
She lost another 2 ounces since Wed so her total loss is 17 ounces. I am going to continue to pump just incase it happens to be something else but cut out the things that they want me to cut out. She was losing weight at a dangerious amount and they need to see exactly how much she is getting and I have to document everything from time to amount ate to amount spit up, when she spit up, and symptoms that she is having (cranky, fussy, crampy, refluxy).
We have given her 2 bottles now and she has done nothing but spit them up so I am hoping that she just has to get use to it. I am sick of this all and want to go crawl in a hole. I am devistated about the bfing and feeling very guilty about the whole situation. (Talked to Mama Kelly for an hour and a half and she made me feel a little better)
We have to go every week this month to the doctor and get the weight checked and we go back on the 30th to the GI. He said she has several issues going on and that before we could address anything else we needed to get her gaining weight. We are in for a long month so say some prayers for all of us. (Esp me I am having a hard time with it and cried from Northside Drive to well after we got on 20)
Weekend Update
Well it seems like Abby is a different baby. She seems happier and calmer and seems to be sleeping better and just all in all doing better. She is still spitting up some not every time but it is still a lot so I am going to call them tomorrow and see if they want a weight check sooner than later.
And what I am going to say is going to sound so selfish because it is and I know it is....I wish it was not working. I really really really want to nurse her again. I enjoyed nursing her. I did not enjoy nursing Alex. It was major bonding and I seem to be completely steping away from feeding Abby. Jon has been doing it most of the time. I hate giving her the bottle, it makes me want to cry every time I give her one.
I am hoping that feeling will pass soon and that the guilt goes away. I am still pumping everytime she eats but if she has a soy allergy too it is going to be so hard to stay away from all of that. Trust me we have been going through the cabinets and reading everything in there. I wish that there was an easy answer for everything but there is not. I guess we will find out on Friday if things are working or not.
This is the quick version. Very long day! They think that she has a Milk Protein Allergy and want me to stop bfing because it takes 3 weeks to get the milk and soy proteins out of my body and can take 2 weeks for Abby to get them out of her. She got put on a beefed up formula that we have to add veggie oil to to pack on the cals.
She lost another 2 ounces since Wed so her total loss is 17 ounces. I am going to continue to pump just incase it happens to be something else but cut out the things that they want me to cut out. She was losing weight at a dangerious amount and they need to see exactly how much she is getting and I have to document everything from time to amount ate to amount spit up, when she spit up, and symptoms that she is having (cranky, fussy, crampy, refluxy).
We have given her 2 bottles now and she has done nothing but spit them up so I am hoping that she just has to get use to it. I am sick of this all and want to go crawl in a hole. I am devistated about the bfing and feeling very guilty about the whole situation. (Talked to Mama Kelly for an hour and a half and she made me feel a little better)
We have to go every week this month to the doctor and get the weight checked and we go back on the 30th to the GI. He said she has several issues going on and that before we could address anything else we needed to get her gaining weight. We are in for a long month so say some prayers for all of us. (Esp me I am having a hard time with it and cried from Northside Drive to well after we got on 20)
Weekend Update
Well it seems like Abby is a different baby. She seems happier and calmer and seems to be sleeping better and just all in all doing better. She is still spitting up some not every time but it is still a lot so I am going to call them tomorrow and see if they want a weight check sooner than later.
And what I am going to say is going to sound so selfish because it is and I know it is....I wish it was not working. I really really really want to nurse her again. I enjoyed nursing her. I did not enjoy nursing Alex. It was major bonding and I seem to be completely steping away from feeding Abby. Jon has been doing it most of the time. I hate giving her the bottle, it makes me want to cry every time I give her one.
I am hoping that feeling will pass soon and that the guilt goes away. I am still pumping everytime she eats but if she has a soy allergy too it is going to be so hard to stay away from all of that. Trust me we have been going through the cabinets and reading everything in there. I wish that there was an easy answer for everything but there is not. I guess we will find out on Friday if things are working or not.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
So I know I am late but...
Ok so I know that Abby is really nearly 5 months old but I have her 4 month old pictures to share. She is just getting so much older too fast. I can not believe that she is nearly 5 months old. It is amazing to me. Anyways here are the pictures!

Here are the official soccer pictures of little man! He loves to play soccer to much and he is too cute doing it!

Here are the official soccer pictures of little man! He loves to play soccer to much and he is too cute doing it!

So it has been said that if an adult would have to go through teething the pain would kill them, so why do our precious little ones have to go through it? It makes me want to pull all of my hair out. Abby is just getting her first tooth and is not a very easy child to get along with right now. Nothing makes her happy! She is just cranky beyound belief and just screams about 70% of the day. I hate it for her and wish that I could take all the pain away. I just don't know what else to do for her. She will not sleep and she acts like she is in constant pain. It is horrible. Please pray that the teeth come in soon and she does not have to go through anymore. She already has had to deal with so much in her short time here already.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Back from the ER
We just got home after spending 3 hours in the ER with Alex. He was getting into bed and slammed his head against his headboard of his bed. We thought ok he did it again so I went to get an ice pack well by the time I made it back upstairs from getting the ice pack Alex was puking everywhere. So we rushed him to the ER. They took us straight back and the doctor was in there in less than 5 minutes and decided that he needed a CT. We got the CT quickly too and about an hour after we got there they told us that he had a mild concussion They watched him there for about 2 hours and then we got to go home. Tonight we have to wake him up every 2 hours and check on him. So it is going to be a long night.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My kids ROCK!!!
I think I must have the greatest children in the world! I think they are just amazing. Alex talks and talks and talks to you now....about everything!!! He always has a question and is always "inventing things" and they are always called "The **fill in the blank** 3000". He loves to build and just can play by himself all the time.
Abby is just so great now. I think things are finally starting to look up with her. She is now pooping again....not a big deal to most but awesome for me and Jon. Everyday she is doing something new. Like now when you go to talk to her she will smile and bury her face into whoever's chest that has her. She actually plays with her toys now too. She has her favorites like her bunny heads with blankets and her little green frog. She is just amazing.
I think that Jon and I are moving in amazing directions. We are getting along better than we ever have. Our love just continues to grow. We have overcome so many things together and it is just amazing to me that we think alike and just work together as a great team from everything from Parenting, Household Chores, to Soccer. Life is wonderful and I just wanted to share!
Abby is just so great now. I think things are finally starting to look up with her. She is now pooping again....not a big deal to most but awesome for me and Jon. Everyday she is doing something new. Like now when you go to talk to her she will smile and bury her face into whoever's chest that has her. She actually plays with her toys now too. She has her favorites like her bunny heads with blankets and her little green frog. She is just amazing.
I think that Jon and I are moving in amazing directions. We are getting along better than we ever have. Our love just continues to grow. We have overcome so many things together and it is just amazing to me that we think alike and just work together as a great team from everything from Parenting, Household Chores, to Soccer. Life is wonderful and I just wanted to share!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
So I am behind on posting soccer pictures and things. Alex's first soccer game he just stood on the field. That's it he stood there. lol His second one on Monday he did a little better. He at least chased the ball a little and played airplane but hey he was on the field and ran toward the ball. What more can we ask for from a 3 year old. lol
As always here are pictures....
As always here are pictures....
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I am in need of friends that build me up and make me a better person. I am not in need of people that think to highly of themselves or care too much about the way that they look or the way that they look to others. I need people in my life that are going to be real and love me for me and love my children for the way that they are too. I am not interested in high school drama or to see who's child is better or who's life is better. I am in need of some strong Christian friends that like me for being me. I am tried of biting my tongue and having to try not to be me. I just want to be loved by those who love me! I am tired of pleasing others because in all reality there is no pleasing others they have to please themselves. So if you are interested in the job let me know but if you are not then move on. Thanks and have a sunny day!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Abby's Doctor's Appt on Wednesday
Sorry I did not post about this sooner. We have been busy this week with the consignment sale at church. Well Wednesday's appointment did not go well at all. Abby has been very constipated for the last 2-3 weeks since we started the cereal so we stopped doing it. We did the things that we needed to do to get her to poop if you get my drift including suppositories. So along with those issues we are still having some reflux isssues too. The meds are helping but she is still having the reflux without spitting up you can hear it if you get what I mean. So she has LOST 9 ounces since her last appt a month ago.
She did not get any shots today because they wanted to get the poop under control and see if she is still having the fussy periods that she has started having in the last week. (She generally fusses from about 6till 9) So we got some fleet glyercin squirts (for lack of the right word) and we are to start 'p" fruits once a day with 2 ounces of prune juice to try to ease the constipation from the meds and see if that helps with the poop issues.
I have to call on Tuesday and let her know how it is going. We have another appointment scheduled for 2 weeks too for another weight check and to get her shots. If she has not gained any weight then we are going to have to supplement with formula. She dropped from the 55% to the 5% in weight but remained on her curve for height and head cer. She is 26 inches tall now.
So please keep her in your prayers and we hope that things work out so we don't have to give her formula and she starts to poop on her own again with out any help from us.
She did not get any shots today because they wanted to get the poop under control and see if she is still having the fussy periods that she has started having in the last week. (She generally fusses from about 6till 9) So we got some fleet glyercin squirts (for lack of the right word) and we are to start 'p" fruits once a day with 2 ounces of prune juice to try to ease the constipation from the meds and see if that helps with the poop issues.
I have to call on Tuesday and let her know how it is going. We have another appointment scheduled for 2 weeks too for another weight check and to get her shots. If she has not gained any weight then we are going to have to supplement with formula. She dropped from the 55% to the 5% in weight but remained on her curve for height and head cer. She is 26 inches tall now.
So please keep her in your prayers and we hope that things work out so we don't have to give her formula and she starts to poop on her own again with out any help from us.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Gold Rush Parade
So today we went to the Gold Rush Festival which it to remember about Georgia's Forgotten gold rush. Which we learned a lot about the city we live in. Here is some of the new information that we learned....
Villa Rica can boast the first Gold Strike in Georgia as well as being home toSo anyways, to celebrate they have a parade, Arts and Crafts Fair, 5K Road Race and concerts. So we had a great time exploring the arts and crafts and watching the parade (no did not run in the race, in fact if you see me running down the road please shot the person behind me). Alex was excited to see everything and made some sand art and even played a game and won a hammer as large as he is. We had a great day even though we were not at home doing the things that really needed to be done. lol
Coca-Cola legend Asa Candler and Gospel Music founder Thomas A. Dorsey.
Experience the feel of an old mercantile or stroll along our raised
dotted with Crepe Myrtle’s, and choose from a variety of shops
and restaurants.
Enjoy our Historic Downtown with its authentic architecture
and be sure to stop
by and view the architecture of Wick’s Tavern the oldest
commercial structure in
West Georgia. No matter what you’re looking for, you
can still discover gold in
Villa Rica, Georgia!
Home of the Georgia's
First Gold Rush
Birthplace of Thomas A. Dorsey, Father
of Gospel Music
Edna Teal, Missionary to China 1910-1943
Home of
Tavern, the oldest commercial structure in West Georgia
Here are the kids at the parade....
Paint, paint and more paint!!!
Ok so we have been on a painting kick lately! We painted the dining room and Alex's room. Here are the pictures! Enjoy!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Yummy Toes!!!
Although Abby found her toes about two weeks ago today was the first day that she ate them. lol She just was playing in the swing eating and talking to her toes. It was great!!!

She has also been extra fussy lately so I needed to get some things done today so I felt the need to feel like a mother baboon!

She has also been extra fussy lately so I needed to get some things done today so I felt the need to feel like a mother baboon!

Family time
Ok so I have negected to post for a few days that is because we were just busy. lol Last night we decided to go to dinner and let Alex choose so we went to Hamburger King and played on the castle. We had a lot of fun and even Abby got into the action. Jon and I would have her in our hands and chase after Alex and she just giggled and giggled so much! Here are a few of the pictures...

After that we came home and found out who was the real princess...

I think Jon wins! Also Abby had her first ponytail too!!
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