Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Busy Busy Mommy

Well it has been a few days since I last talked with all of you! I have been truly too busy!!! I have made capes, pillowcase dresses for birthdays, bows, poodle skirt for retreat, preparing and packing for the retreat and mostly my beautiful little boys 6th birthday! I was super duper busy!

I will share with you on another day how to make the things that I have been making but today I am going to share with you what we made today for Alex's Class for St Patrick's Day. It was a super fun activity that we could do together.

Finished product. A small little treat for the kiddos

You start with a bag of rainbow Twizzlers Rainbow

We seperated them by colors. A good time to go over colors with the 2 year old. 

I cut them in half to fit into the bag.

Place them into treat bags

See even the 6 year old can help!

TaDa!!! There you go simple little treat for the 17th of March. ;) 

Enjoy! Hope you all have a great evening!!!
Until tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

God, The Circus and The Zoo

WOW!!! What a weekend! It was a truly amazing weekend. Friday was spent at the school playing with Kindergardeners and organizing Alex's classroom. You know the book If you give a Mouse a Cookie well my book would be called If you give Christina a Project. One thing led to another but I got a lot of work done for Alex's teachers.

Saturday morning I got up early. I know that is a little bit of a shock for those that know me. I went to the Sisters in Christ Conference. It was AMAZING! I heard some great talks from some very Godly Women. Babbie Mason was there as well as Liz you know the one that wrote the Bad Girls of the Bible. She was so funny! It was just a great day and I loved sitting with my amazing women from Bright Star.

After that as if that were not enough we went to the Northwest Gathering for Walk to Emmaus. I got to meet a lot more people from the community and spend some time fellowshipping with an amazing group of people. It was a beautiful day celebrating the Lord!

As if our weekend was not packed enough already we scheduled a circus trip for the Monkey and the Peanut on Sunday. We waited to tell them until Sunday morning before church. We went into their rooms after they went to sleep Saturday Night and put some posters up on their door. Monkey was too cute he said the Circus Fairy showed up and left them tickets for the circus.

They were too excited and asked 650 times if it was time to go to the circus yet. We went to the Varsity for lunch and then we were off to the circus. We had NEVER seen the children sit that still. They were in awe! After the circus we went to Ikea. I think I managed to spend most of the money Jon earned for the week there. ;) However we have some really cool favors for Abby's birthday party!


You know with a long weekend you really should stuff as much stuff as you can into one weekend. So being a long weekend....we did! Monday morning arrived and the kids and I decided we should spend the day at the zoo! It was an amazing day. We always love to head to Zoo Atlanta. We got to see all kinds of the babies that were born this summer out and running around. We got to see the baby gorilla that is only 9 months old playing near his mommy. We also were able to see Zuri the new baby Giraffe  roaming around with her mommy. And of course we were able to see Po the new baby panda. Well we saw him on a tv screen but we saw him! It was a fun day in the sun! 


Hope your weekend was as amazing as ours!

Until tomorrow!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Being a Good Sport

What a beautiful day today was! It was a wonderful day for a field trip and an even better day to spend outside having fun! Today was The Monkey's second field trip of the year. We went to a nearby park and watch a cute play and then had lunch at the playground and what else would be do but play for a while too! ;)

I regress a little, we arrived at the theater to watch the play and most of the parents were waiting outside the door for the buses to get there and one of the actors comes outside and asks if any of us were up for a little fun and would be a good sport. One of the other parents looks over and says, "Christina will!" So there I was off to do a little improve acting in front of all 80 something of our kindergardeners plus the 1st graders from Sharps Creek. Fun times! It really was a lot of fun and I know that is something that Alex's class is going to remember.

It was a joy to see his class plus all of the other kids having a good time on the playground that we play on so often. We even went back outside after we came home from school. We had a blast playing with our neighbors riding various ride on toys down their steep grassy hill.A few of the kids actually took a turn riding down in a barrel. It was a blast for them and makes me long for summertime. It was just a beautiful day!

Until tomorrow.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Elmo

 Today we had the joy of spending the morning and well into the afternoon with one of the greatest groups of friends there is. Many of you already know that I am a member of a local mom's group called The MOMS Club of Villa Rica. It is a support group for stay at home moms. I have been a member of this group for 5 plus years now. We have all kinds of wonderful playgroups and outings. We also do some really cool service projects for our community.

Well today we had a Birthday Party for Elmo! Of course it included all kinds of wonderful things like party foods, crafts, games, and of course birthday cupcakes! It was a wonderful event that my friend Nappo went way over the top with! She decorated that house in Sesame Street items and party things and it was just wonderful! I have to say it is something that we had not done in a while!

We made the creations shown in the top photo out of empty toilet paper tolls and just a printed template. They were so simple that we just cut them out and glued them onto the rolls. The information on how to make them can he found here. Sesame Street Craft We also played a Dorothy Game where we had to toss Dorothy, Elmo's pet fish, back into her bowl. It was just a super great day!

If you are a new mom or even an experienced mom I encourage you to find a group like I did full of such wonder women. They have been there for me on so many occasions, birth, death, hardships, and illnesses. We lean on each other and we learn from each other and we help each other but mostly we just have a really great time together! For more information on the MOMS Club of Villa Rica click here. And for more information on if there is a club in your area click here. You will not be sorry!

Until next time!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Much love to the blog

Ok so I am going to try this again. It has been very hard for me to post on this blog because of the pain that it has held. However the pain that it has held is my past and that has made me the person that I am today. I am a much stronger and loving person because of the many things that my family has endured.

Lots of things have happened since I last spoke with you all in November. You know all the regular Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff and the beginning of a new year! We have been blessed so much met new babies, found out more babies are coming, celebrating wonderful occasions, and now it is the time of the year where we start working toward celebrating more birthdays.

The Monkey Man will be 6 this year! Wow where has time gone!?! We are less than a month away and you know what that means! Little Peanut will be 3 right around the corner. Wow time flys when you are having fun!

Thanks for sticking with me those who have hung in there waiting on another post. More are coming. Look forward to some new things! Can't wait to show you what I am working on!

Many Blessings!