Saturday morning I got up early. I know that is a little bit of a shock for those that know me. I went to the Sisters in Christ Conference. It was AMAZING! I heard some great talks from some very Godly Women. Babbie Mason was there as well as Liz you know the one that wrote the Bad Girls of the Bible. She was so funny! It was just a great day and I loved sitting with my amazing women from Bright Star.
After that as if that were not enough we went to the Northwest Gathering for Walk to Emmaus. I got to meet a lot more people from the community and spend some time fellowshipping with an amazing group of people. It was a beautiful day celebrating the Lord!
As if our weekend was not packed enough already we scheduled a circus trip for the Monkey and the Peanut on Sunday. We waited to tell them until Sunday morning before church. We went into their rooms after they went to sleep Saturday Night and put some posters up on their door. Monkey was too cute he said the Circus Fairy showed up and left them tickets for the circus.
They were too excited and asked 650 times if it was time to go to the circus yet. We went to the Varsity for lunch and then we were off to the circus. We had NEVER seen the children sit that still. They were in awe! After the circus we went to Ikea. I think I managed to spend most of the money Jon earned for the week there. ;) However we have some really cool favors for Abby's birthday party!
You know with a long weekend you really should stuff as much stuff as you can into one weekend. So being a long weekend....we did! Monday morning arrived and the kids and I decided we should spend the day at the zoo! It was an amazing day. We always love to head to Zoo Atlanta. We got to see all kinds of the babies that were born this summer out and running around. We got to see the baby gorilla that is only 9 months old playing near his mommy. We also were able to see Zuri the new baby Giraffe roaming around with her mommy. And of course we were able to see Po the new baby panda. Well we saw him on a tv screen but we saw him! It was a fun day in the sun!

Until tomorrow!