Well as life gets busier we have decided to start a blog for our family. We will try to post weekly updates on everyone. Now I did say try. lol
As of right now, Jon has surgery tomorrow so Alex is going to go to Jim and Renee's house overnight tonight to spend the night so we don't have to get him up too early tomorrow. Abby will come with us. I will post an update on Jon tomorrow.
Abby's reflux seems to be under control now. Thankfully!!! The cereal seems to have made her a lot happier! I am hoping that that is all that we have to do. We also started her in her cloth diapers that she is now big enough to wear. She is up to 13 pounds even. Alex jumped on the scale too and he is up to 40 pounds!!!! That was shocking.

Alex is about to start soccer. Tonight is the meet and greet and then next Tuesday starts the first practice. They have practice Tuesday and Fridays until the season starts and then his first game is on September 8th. Then he will have Games Tuesday and Saturday then Practices on Friday. I will now be the Assistant Coach for Jon because he will not be able to run up and down the field. lol We took coaches training last Saturday and I realized that I am WAY out of shape. Jon thinks I did an ok job for never had played soccer before. lol

I think it is shaping up to be a fun next few months. Here are a few pictures for you all.

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