Sunday, March 28, 2010

WOW what a weekend!

So the Mr. and Mrs. C and the tots had quite a weekend. We ran like crazy and had a very OVER full weekend. Friday started out to be a fun day since Daddy took the day off to take Monkey Head a a field trip. Lil'Momma and I met them at Publix and took a tour with them and then hung out at home while they went to go see the play. When they got home we all took a trip to get lunch and then hung out at Nana's while we were doing laundry until it was time to go to Praise Band Practice at the church.

Saturday started just as fun! We got up and went to the Easter Bunny Breakfast which was a Mad Hatter Tea Party theme and it was so much fun! It was a great way to start the day. Then our family split up and attacked the day in two different ways. Jon and Lil' Momma went to a family gathering and Monkey Head and I went to an Egg Hunt at Toys R Us and then to lunch and still had LOTS of time on our hands so we went to the bowling alley early and bowled a game just the two of us and had lots of fun at the party after that. We had to come home and get ready for the Sweetheart Dance at the church after that but before that we had to get the Eggs boiled and ready for the Seder Meal. We ended the day just a fun as we started by dancing our night away.

Today started a little rough because as always we woke up late but once we realized that everything we were doing today was for our Lord almightly the day got better. We got to church early to help prepare food and set up for the Seder Meal. I had never done a Seder Meal before so it was very interesting learning about all the foods that were eatten and the meaning behind them all. It was a great way to start Holy Week. After church we went to the mall to eat lunch and buy time until it was to go to the play. We did find a tie for Jon however I am beginning to think that I will have to go to chuch nekkid on Sunday. :p After the Mall we went to the play at CHHS. They did a wonderful job of Joseph and the kids really liked the play.

It was just such a great weekend and we are looking forward to a full week before we are off of school and work for a week! Looking forward to it so much!

Until tomorrow!


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