Monday, May 3, 2010

Quiet time

Well now that Jason is safe and home from the hospital Jon and Renee will be coming home tomorrow. Don't forget to keep praying for Jason and the family it is still a long road ahead of us all. It has been quiet a week and 1/2.

From the time that Jason went missing to the time that he found us to the time that Jon and Renee were on a plane to Denver was quite a whirlwind so after they left it was not much quieter. Monkey Head had his Teddy Bear Picnic at school on Friday and then Saturday Jenny and Kevin came up to visit (If you ask me Jon asked them to stay the weekend) and we went shopping. Then church on Sunday and the beginning of the month shopping for groceries. So we have not really slowed down at all.

Well today was the first quiet day at home and it was spent working on laundry and cleaning the house. It was nice to have some quiet. Now I am sitting here waiting on the kids to be asleep enough to sneak into their rooms to put away the laundry and enjoying the quiet.

It will be nice to have Jon home tomorrow too and maybe to have a quiet afternoon before play practice. Wednesday is Lil' Momma's 2nd Birthday and we are just going to hang at home and just make the day be about her and just do the things that she likes to do. We were going to go to the zoo but I think we just need some quiet as a family.

Ahhhh...the quiet time is so nice but I know it is only a matter of time before things get crazy again...I mean Lil' Momma's party is Saturday as well as the graduation dinner and a baby shower. Whew it just seems like May is always overloaded. Oh well BRING IT ON!!!

Until tomorrow!

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