Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Me vs the Mall

So yesterday I wadged a war on the Mall. The mission was to find the kids shoes, a dress for Easter, and the worst thing ever...a bathing suit. I HATE shopping for myself. I am not as small as I use to be prekids so it is hard to shop for myself because I see the sizes just going up and up and up and it just makes me feel so bad. I know that I need to lose A LOT of weight but I don't need it shoved in my face by clothes shopping therefore I hate doing it and don't usually do it.

Anyways...So I started out and got to the first destination, Kohls at about 10 am. I stayed there for about 20 mins and left empty handed and without a even trying on anything. Next was Ross and it went a lot better than Kohls. I found several dresses to try on and even a few dozen dresses. Although I found a really cute beach dress, no such luck on the Easter Dress. Off to the mall for more torture after that. No luck at most of the stores there. I did find a cute dress at Old Navy that would work but I was still not happy with so I decided to keep looking but it was time to go pick up Monkey Head from school.

I had to meet a friend to give her a bag of clothes and she suggested the Cato and even went with me. It was amazing!!! I found the most perfect skirt and found a great green shirt to go with it! So it was FINALLY a success! Next to Walmart and to look for a bathing suit which I found and did not bother to try on. So I thought that I had success but after trying it on last night I decided that it might be a little too umm....risky. I mean WHOA BOOBAGE!!! Jon liked it but I am not sure that it will be beach worthy. lol So I am off again today to try soon as Lil'Momma wakes up from her nap.

Oh well....Until tomorrow.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

WOW what a weekend!

So the Mr. and Mrs. C and the tots had quite a weekend. We ran like crazy and had a very OVER full weekend. Friday started out to be a fun day since Daddy took the day off to take Monkey Head a a field trip. Lil'Momma and I met them at Publix and took a tour with them and then hung out at home while they went to go see the play. When they got home we all took a trip to get lunch and then hung out at Nana's while we were doing laundry until it was time to go to Praise Band Practice at the church.

Saturday started just as fun! We got up and went to the Easter Bunny Breakfast which was a Mad Hatter Tea Party theme and it was so much fun! It was a great way to start the day. Then our family split up and attacked the day in two different ways. Jon and Lil' Momma went to a family gathering and Monkey Head and I went to an Egg Hunt at Toys R Us and then to lunch and still had LOTS of time on our hands so we went to the bowling alley early and bowled a game just the two of us and had lots of fun at the party after that. We had to come home and get ready for the Sweetheart Dance at the church after that but before that we had to get the Eggs boiled and ready for the Seder Meal. We ended the day just a fun as we started by dancing our night away.

Today started a little rough because as always we woke up late but once we realized that everything we were doing today was for our Lord almightly the day got better. We got to church early to help prepare food and set up for the Seder Meal. I had never done a Seder Meal before so it was very interesting learning about all the foods that were eatten and the meaning behind them all. It was a great way to start Holy Week. After church we went to the mall to eat lunch and buy time until it was to go to the play. We did find a tie for Jon however I am beginning to think that I will have to go to chuch nekkid on Sunday. :p After the Mall we went to the play at CHHS. They did a wonderful job of Joseph and the kids really liked the play.

It was just such a great weekend and we are looking forward to a full week before we are off of school and work for a week! Looking forward to it so much!

Until tomorrow!


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Thoughts

Ok so I have to say that this is the best Easter Book EVER. We have been trying to teach Alex that Easter is not all about the Bunny and candy and little fluffy peeps that you bite their heads off of. It is more important to us that he know that Easter is about what Jesus did for us and not about the commercialisms behind what it has become. This book tells about the story of a town that lost real meaning of Easter and how no one could remember why the started to celebrate Easter. A little boy questions it all and finds the true meaning of Easter. Great Book and a great reminder of what Jesus really did for us.

Here is a part from the book that nearly brought me to tears because of God's love for us and Jesus' ultamate sacrafice for us:

"Then Henry told the story of when God sent his own Son
And how He lived among us and all the deeds He'd done.
"And after years of teaching some and healing many others,
He gave His life foe everyone--His sisters and His brothers.

Upon a cross, He took our sins. 'Forgive them God,' He said.
He died--but three days later, He rose up from the dead!
So now when Easter season comes--the some time every spring,
It's Jesus we should celebrate. His praises we should sing!

With wide eyes Sam just listened--he sat there in a daze--
And after hearing that great tale, he really was amazed.
'There's nothing wrong,' old Henry said, 'with bunnies, eggs, and things,
But something's wrong when we forget the One who's King of Kings.'"

Friday, March 26, 2010

Monkey Crack

Ok so this afternoon as we were sitting at Renee's doning the laundry yet again J intoduced me to a new game. You know how fun popping bubble wrap is and you know how fun blowing stuff up is. Imagine blowing stuff up, popping bubble wrap and MONKEYS then you will have monkey crack. This game was so much fun that I played it for 2 hours straight.

So between Facecrack and Monkey Crack there is not going to be anything done at my house anymore. It was so much fun. Ok so here is the link so you will know what Monkey Crack is and you will become addicted and your house will look like mine too. :)

Until tomorrow!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Twilight/New Moon

This is come to no suprise to most of you that I am a HUGE Twilight Fan! I mean we went out at Midnight to get New Moon just last week with all the teenagers. I think that I could not have heard "like" one more time without smacking one of them but hey that's a different story and not where I was going with this blog.

Anyways...So today Whitney came over and we had a Twilight Marathon. We watched both of the movies and it was a lot of fun we talked about it and made a little fun of it all but I think the funniest thing is that I can no longer watch Twilight without thinking about the Spoof that Saturday Night Live did with Taylor Swift. I just can't do it lol I just makes me laugh every time! lol

Here it is...

Until tomorrow!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bathroom Floor Blogging

So there is I think nothing in the world funner than potty training. I think that I would rather get a tooth pulled than potty train again. But alas, you have a second child and it starts all over again about two or so.

You sit in the floor of the bathroom singing songs and trying to entertain said almost 2 year old while they sit on the potty trying to poop because you "caught" them crouching behind the sofa trying to do their business. You know that they have to do a number two and you know that they can get down as soon as the poo happens but they insist on saying Mommy Down every 2 or so seconds.

But just keeping thinking that, ok kid. I can outlast you. I have my computer, my blog, and Facebook for hours of entertainment while you just have to poop. Just get it over with do the Poo and then get a Jelly Bean. I can outlast you. :)

That's my word for today!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ok Trying this again

Ok so I know that it has been more than a while since I last posted but let's face it. Life is busy. Really busy most of the time. Well what have you been up to the last year you say. Well I have been living and living is great!

Alex is now a happy healthily 5 year old. (Where does the time go?) He has been in PreK at a local Elementary School since August and is learning so much.

Abby is now a whole 22 months old. She is heading fast to the big 2. She is growing and THRIVING and healthy. She is our daredevil. She climbs and jumps and is not afraid of anything. She has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger.

Jon is Jon busy busy busy techie that is always working on the computers wither it is at work, at home fixing my computer that I always seem to break, or the computer at church while working on the sound board. He is still doing bible studies with the youth at our church on Wednesday Nights. He is still the best daddy ever to our children and works so hard to support of family and has so much love in his heart for us all as well as everyone really.

I am busier than ever. I feel I spend 1/2 my time at the school helping in any way that I can or maybe just so I can peek in on my little man (remember this is ALL day school now). With what is left with my time I am tending to the house or my facebook (hehehe) or at the church. I am still active in the drama ministry, I am singing in the praise band and now I am attending an ADULT Women's Bible Study. I was sad to leave the youth but I need to fill my mind with some study time for me. I know it sounds selfish but how can you teach others about Jesus when you need to learn about it yourself.

I find that the things that I wrap myself up are about fulfilling my life and bring me closer in my walk with Faith. I know that I am moving away from some friends because our lives are going in different directions but I am also making new friends that are heading the same way that I am and it is a nice thing. Anyways I have gone on long enough. I will try not to delay so long on posting.

Until tomorrow. :)
