Saturday, September 13, 2008

Abby's Doctor's Appt on Wednesday

Sorry I did not post about this sooner. We have been busy this week with the consignment sale at church. Well Wednesday's appointment did not go well at all. Abby has been very constipated for the last 2-3 weeks since we started the cereal so we stopped doing it. We did the things that we needed to do to get her to poop if you get my drift including suppositories. So along with those issues we are still having some reflux isssues too. The meds are helping but she is still having the reflux without spitting up you can hear it if you get what I mean. So she has LOST 9 ounces since her last appt a month ago.

She did not get any shots today because they wanted to get the poop under control and see if she is still having the fussy periods that she has started having in the last week. (She generally fusses from about 6till 9) So we got some fleet glyercin squirts (for lack of the right word) and we are to start 'p" fruits once a day with 2 ounces of prune juice to try to ease the constipation from the meds and see if that helps with the poop issues.

I have to call on Tuesday and let her know how it is going. We have another appointment scheduled for 2 weeks too for another weight check and to get her shots. If she has not gained any weight then we are going to have to supplement with formula. She dropped from the 55% to the 5% in weight but remained on her curve for height and head cer. She is 26 inches tall now.

So please keep her in your prayers and we hope that things work out so we don't have to give her formula and she starts to poop on her own again with out any help from us.

1 comment:

Mumbling Scot said...

Poor Abby baby. :( I hope that she feels a bit better with this new plan. I know it's hard for all of you. ::hugs::